As per the Indian Astrology, a person's personality and accurate identity is defined by the situation of planets, place and time of your birth. The current and upcoming situations of the planets are compared with birth details to forecast the future. This is the true basis of performing Indian Astrology. WHAT IS HOROSCOPE READING? Horoscope is a summary which reflects an individual's future through which an astrologer forecasts one's current and upcoming time period. Horoscope is just like a portrait of a particular place in space and time. For horoscope reading of an individual, the month, time, place and birth is required. There are total 12 houses which depicts different area of individual's life and through which an astrologer make predictions. A horoscope helps a person to know what exactly a person's future has. For doing future calculations, an astrologer must possesses the complete knowledge regarding the influence of period or sub period. THEORY OF ...