Our culture is aggravated with possessiveness, hatred and prejudices. This force the people to use Black Magic against each other, which make the victim depressed and disturbed which ultimately, take him to the stage of disasters. Loss in business, mental ailments, health deteriorates all results in early death. We daily receive thousands of letters daily having such problems. What is Black Magic? Black Magic is the negative energy and powers by wicked and evil humans in this age of "Kalyug". The main purpose of these evil people is to destroy the work of others or to harm others. They influence decent people with their evil powers to do negative and wrong things. This is the evil side of negative energies and celestial cycle. Black magic can harm anyone anywhere in this world. The effect of these evil powers effect can be stroked many thousands of miles away. With the increase of frustration, jealousy, selfishness, greed and inability to accept others growth and hap...